Thursday, 6 October 2016

Labelling and Organising Bins

In premiere you can access all of the metadata for your individual shots. This allows you (the editor) to easily organize your footage and make it easier to sort through what you want and what you want to cut out. With my footage, I started out by selecting which info I wanted to be displayed about the footage. For example, I know all of my footage was shot at 24fps, so this didn't need to be shown.

After that, I went through my footage library, and previewed each shot to see what it was. I then named the shot based on either what it showed, or the type of shot (establishing, tracking etc.). This has helped a lot as my footage is no longer a load of numbered files but rather something I can scan through and quickly find what is appropriate to my sequences.

This is what the module and preview window looks like, and you can see how easily it is to pick out a specific shot and add it to my sequence.

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