Friday 7 April 2017

Promotional Video Health and Safety

Health and safety was one of our main focus' at the theatre. Once thing we did was kept the amount of wires we used to a minimum, to avoid any trips and injuries.  For the majority of the close up shots, we were sat on the stage but right at the front all the way to the right, so that no performer came close enough for us to get in their way. Also we had to come off the stage and back on multiple times throughout the night when we were shooting various angles. With the stage being quite high off the ground, we made sure to use the steps at all times and were cautious when carrying the camera equipment around. We got to the venue early (about an hour before the event began) so that we could meet and talk with Amy to finalise what types of shots she wanted and also where would be best to film from to avoid any disruption and hazards. Also one of our concerns was making sure the equipment was not in the way of anybody and there was no chance of people tripping on it. To ensure this was not a problem, every time we were not using a piece of equipment we put it in it's respective bags and took them to a side room off the stage so that they didn't pose a hazard.

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