Tuesday 20 September 2016

ISO Demonstration

ISO affects the sensitivity of the camera sensor that captures the light. In moving image, ISO does basically the same as it does in still images. Using ISO 100 makes the sensor the least sensitive and lets in the least light, but it also produces the best image with the least noise. On the other hand, using ISO 1600 let in a lot more light but as a result of the sensor being more sensitive, there was a lot of noise which made the image less appealing. In the second clip (ISO 1600), you can see the effects of the grain quite badly, especially when the camera points at the blank surface on the wall. My videos are fairly effective when it comes to showing how ISO affects image quality, but ideally the shots could have been more similar and of more interesting subjects. Both of my shots were fairly shaky as a result of shooting handheld with a 50MM lens that made the shaking worse. To lessen this problem, I used the warp stabiliser to smooth out the movement in the clips.

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